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Volume 8: Archspiration

Volume 8: Archspiration

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The arch has always been a muse for DAVIDOR.

Join me as I travel the world in search of inspiration from the strong and beautiful arch shape, #archspiration. 

The arch, which serves as the lens through which I see the world, continues to inspire me and frame the incredible places, experiences and journeys of my life.

Archspiration began at a very young age for me in Vicenza, Italy, home to Andrea Palladio and his incredible villas and renaissance architecture.  As I traveled through the Veneto region with my family as a child, my mind raced with ideas and designs developed while we strolled through the arch loggias.

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Basillica Palladiana, 1549

Vicenza, Italy

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Villa Capra, “La Rotonda,” 1571

Vicenza, Italy

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Palazzo del Capitaniato, 1571

Vicenza, Italy

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San Giorgio Maggiore, 1610

Venice, Italy

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Chiesa del Santissimo Redentore, 1592

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I invite you to travel the world with me and utilize the arch lens for your very own #archspiration.


Davidor Gusky, CEO & Creative Director

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